Emma Smith My Story Download

Before her death, Emma reflects on her life; beginning with her childhood, up through her final years in Nauvoo. Based on the life of Emma Hale Smith. Emma smith-my story:emma smith-my story,dvd-standard,special interest,released,new:14.99,pre-owned:6.99. Emma Smith: My Story. Add to Favorites. Modify Recording. You can watch recordings anytime, anywhere with your cloud DVR.

Her legacy is forever linked to that of her husband's, the Prophet Joseph Smith, But who really was Emma Hale Smith? Many years after the death of Jo.

This past week I was blessed with the opportunity to see the movie, Emma Smith, My Story in my new hometown. The experience is one that I wish that everyone could have as it was one of the most uplifting movies I have seen in awhile. I was indeed grateful for the opportunity to teach my son about the elect lady, Emma Smith, through such a wonderful medium.
There has been a propensity within the church to criticize the wife of the prophet, Joseph Smith. I believe that most of this has come from an inherent misunderstanding of Emma and her role as the beloved wife of Joseph Smith. Many people have claimed that she fell away from the truth and was not a strong enough woman for the trials that befell her. In the movie, Emma Smith, My Story, we are given the perspective of Emma�s life from Emma as she relates her trials to her adopted daughter, Julia Murdock.
Julia is visiting with her mother about the many trials that she, Julia, has experienced over the years. Emma takes the teaching opportunity as a mother to relate her own trials throughout her life and weaves her tale of her courtship and marriage to the prophet, Joseph Smith. There are many stories related concerning the history of the church as seen from the eyes of Emma Smith. The viewer is left in awe of the great strength and testimony of the elect lady.
The history includes the period of time when the Book of Mormon was translated from the gold plates. Emma�s testimony of the translation is inspiring as she never actually looked upon the plates, but she testified of their truthfulness saying that some things you don�t need to see to know that they are real and true. Those are the things that you know in your heart are true.
Throughout the movie, Emma�s relationship with her parents becomes strained due to the calling of her chosen husband. Her father vehemently denies her the relationship she deserves due to his disbelief in her religious choices. Her mother regretfully follows the lead of her husband. Emma sadly receives the news of her parents� deaths without the relationships being healed while they were alive.
During the movie, we see the events that lead up to the martyrdom of her husband, the prophet Joseph Smith. Her trials were great and she kept her testimony through to the end of her marvelous life. Her testimony was inspiring and strong as she related it to her daughter, Julia. The viewer was left feeling the sweet and strong spirit of all she believed.
If you have the opportunity to see this movie with your family, I strongly encourage you to go. You will leave with a new respect for Emma and the trials she endured as well as a stronger testimony of the restoration of the gospel. I will definitely be adding this movie to my collection when it comes out on video. You won�t be sorry that you took the time out to see this movie and you will anxiously await its release on DVD for your movie collection.

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Content copyright © 2021 by Brenda Emmett. All rights reserved.
This content was written by Brenda Emmett. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Brenda Emmett for details.

Emma Smith: My Story used to be available to watch for free (with ads) on Hulu. This is no longer the case.

Emma Smith My Story Download Pc

You can watch the entire movie Emma Smith: My Story on Amazon for free with an Amazon Prime subscription (free trials of the service are available), or you can rent or purchase a digital copy. It is available elsewhere to purchase but I believe Amazon Prime is currently the only service offering it for “free”. While it is not a film produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it is a wonderful depiction of some of the life of the elect woman Emma Smith, wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith. She endured many hardships with her husband. Emma did make some decisions that many undeservingly have criticized her for making but do any of us really want to judge someone like Emma Smith? I doubt there have been many stronger people than Emma.

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If you haven’t watched the movie, it’s well worth taking the time to get to know Emma Smith better. The movie also has beautiful cinematography (by T.C. Christensen, who does beautiful work including one of my favorites – Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story); and music. You also might recognize a number of scenes that have been used in some Church produced movies.

Emma Smith My Story Download Free

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