Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Grade

  1. Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Grade Math
  2. Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Graders
  3. Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Grade Reference Sheet
  4. Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Grade Language Arts

These sixth grade math worksheets cover most of the core math topics previous grades, including conversion worksheets, measurement worksheets, mean, median and range worksheets, number patterns, exponents and a variety of topics expressed as word problems. Hudgins 6th Grade Math: Contact/About Me 6th Math Math 180 Enriched Resources Planner. Module 1: Module 2. LCM Jeopardy Game www.math. Lesson 3: Reasoning to find area: Unit 1: Area and surface area Lesson 5: Bases and heights of parallelograms: Unit 1: Area and surface area Lesson 6: Area of parallelograms: Unit 1: Area and surface area Lesson 8: Area of triangles: Unit 1: Area and surface area Lesson 9: Formula for area of a triangle: Unit 1: Area and surface area Lesson 11: Polygons: Unit 1: Area and surface area. In Unit 1 we review many of the basics from previous grades and introduce new academic vocabulary for the general concepts understood by most students.

Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6EOC
Unit 1 FrameworksAll of Unit 1
Unit 1-1 :Basic Conversions (Doc, PDF, Key)
MGSE9-12.N.Q.1:Use units of measure (linear, area, capacity, rates, and time) as a way to understand problems.

Video Lessons: (p1, p2, p3)

Sample Quiz: (Interactive, PDF)

Unit 1-2 :Applied Conversions (Doc, PDF, Key)
MGSE9-12.N.Q.1:Use units of measure (linear, area, capacity, rates, and time) as a way to understand problems.

MGSE9-12.N.Q.2: Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. Given a situation, context, or problem, students will determine, identify, and use appropriate quantities for representing the situation.

Video lessons: (p1, p2)
Sample Quiz: (Interactive, PDF)

Unit 1-3 :Units of Measure (Doc, PDF, Key)

MGSE9-12.N.Q.2: Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. Given a situation, context, or problem, students will determine, identify, and use appropriate quantities for representing the situation.

MGSE9-12.A.SSE.1b: Given situations which utilize formulas or expressions with multiple terms and/or factors, interpret the meaning (incontext) of the individual terms or factors.

Video Lessons:
(pg1 &2)
Sample Quiz: (Interactive, PDF)
Unit 1-4 :Dimensional Analysis (Doc, PDF, Key)
MGSE9-12.N.Q.1:Use units of measure (linear, area, capacity, rates, and time) as a way to understand problems (a) Identify, use, and record appropriate units of meausre within context, within data displays, and on graphs; (b) Convert units and rates using dimensionsal analysis;(c)Use units within multipstep problems and formulas; interpret units of input and resulting units of output.

Video Lessons:(p1, p2)

Sample Quiz: (Interactive, PDF)

Unit 1-5 :Simplifying Expressions (Doc, PDF, Key)
MGSE9-12.A.APR.1:Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials; understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers in that they are closed under these operations.

Video Lessons:(p1, p2)
Sample Quiz: (Interactive, PDF)

Unit 1-6 :Interpreting Expressions (Doc, PDF, Key)
MGSE9-12.A.SSE.1: Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context.

MGSE9-12.A.SSE.1a: Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors and coefficients, in context.

Word List (Doc, PDF)
Video lessons:(p1, p2, p3)
Sample Quiz: (Interactive, PDF)

Unit 1-7 :Introduction to Polynomials (Doc, PDF, Key)
MGSE9-12.A.SSE.1a: Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors and coefficients, in context.

MGSE9-12.A.APR.1:Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials; understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers in that they are closed under these operations.

Video lessons:(p1, p2)
Sample Quiz: (Interactive, PDF)

Unit 1-8 :Radical Rules (Doc, PDF, Key)
MGSE9-12.N.RN.2:Rewrite expressions involving radicals (i.e. simplify and/or use the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication, with radicals within expressions limited to square roots).

Video Lessons: (p1, p2a, p2b, p3a, p3b, p4)
Sample Quiz: (Interactive, PDF)

Exponential Review: (Doc, PDF, Key)
Unit 1-9 :Rational & Irrational Numbers (Doc, PDF, Key)
MGSE9-12.N.RN.3: Explain why the sum or product of rational numbers is rational; why the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational; and why the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is irrational.

Video Lessons: (p1, p2, p3)

Sample Quiz: (Interactive, PDF)

TEST:Testing Item Banks for Exam View
(187 available questions for Unit 1)

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ExamView Video Instructions(How To Make a Test)

Author: Matt Winking

Mrs. Fisk’s Overall Objective: To assist students in developing mathematical understanding.

Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Grade Math

Course Description: Core Connections, Course 1(6th Grade Math) is the first of a three-year sequence of courses designed to prepare students for a rigorous college preparatory algebra course. It uses a problem-based approach with concrete models. The course helps students to develop multiple strategies to solve problems and to recognize the connections between concepts. This is a grouped based program with the overall goal that all students should be able to reason and communicate proficiently in mathematics.

Overview of the 6th Grade Common Core Standards:

Ratios and Proportional Relationships

MathMath Unit 1mr. Mac

Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.

The Number System

Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Graders

Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.

Multiply and divide multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.

Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.

Expressions and Equations

Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.

Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.

Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables.


Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume.

Statistics and Probability

Develop understanding of statistical variability.

Summarize and describe distributions.

Required Supplies needed every day for Math:

1 inch Binder – All notes and in class information will be kept here

Loose Leaf Paper or 1 subject notebook– Will be kept in binder

Pencils – ALL math work is done in pencil!

Pens - For correcting assignments and assessments.

Textbook – Students will get an assigned textbook for the school year.

Book cover - Textbooks need to be covered to protect them for the school year.

Student Expectations:

  1. The MFL MAR MAC Student Handbook will be followed
  2. MFL MAR MAC District’s Beliefs/Mrs. Fisk’s Expectations:
  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Your Best

If expectations are broken you may face the following consequences:

Verbal Warning, Office Referral, Lunch detentions with Mrs. Fisk, Detentions – Thursdays 3:30PM - 4:30PM, Saturday School 8:00AM – 11:00AM, Parent Meetings, Etc.

Students can expect me to:

Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Grade Reference Sheet

  • Follow the MFL MARMAC District Beliefs and my own expectations
  • Listen to questions, concerns and feedback about classroom issues.
  • Be as open as possible to provide help before and/or after school for questions and extra help.


Students’ grades are computed using a weighted average in the following categories:

Quizzes (Announced quizzes, unannounced quizzes and binder checks) - 30%

Students should expect a quiz at least once a week.

Unit Tests (Chapter tests) – 40%

These will be taken at the end of each chapter.

Participation – 10%

This includes everything done in classroom (behavior and group work). Students will get 5 points daily. Points can be taken away at any point during the class period for not following the classroom rules or meeting the classroom’s expectations.

Daily Work – 20%

This includes homework which will include explaining your mathematical thinking.

Grading Scale: 90%-100%=A 80%- 89% =B 70%-79%= C 60%- 69%= D below 60%= F

100 A+

93-99.99 A

90-92.99 A-

87-89.99 B+

83-86.99 B

80-82.99 B-

Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Grade Language Arts

77-79.99 C+

73-76.99 C

70-72.99 C-

67-69.99 D+


63-66.99 D

60-62.99 D-

59.99 and below F


If your child has missed school for an excused or administratively approved absence, it is their responsibility to make up ALL the classwork and homework they missed. They will be given the number of school days gone plus one school day to make up the work for full credit.

LATE WORK – Homework is expected to be COMPLETELY DONE at the beginning of the class period. If an assignment is not done at the beginning of class time on the day it is due it is considered late and the student will NOT be given full credit. Students will lose 10% points each day the assignment is late.