Powdll Converter For Mac

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  2. Powdll Converter For Mac Download

PowDLL is a.NET dynamic link library used for the interconversion procedure between variable formats of Powder X-Ray files. PowDLL Converter PowDLL Converter 2.2 PowDLL is a.NET dynamic link library used for the interconversion procedure between variable formats of Powder X-Ray files. The DLL is capable of handling the most common file formats (binary and ASCII).

VendorData FormatRequired Parameter FilesOptional Parameter Files
ACD/Labs*.spectrus, *.gnr, *.esp, *.txt, *.smp
Acorn NMR, Inc.*.fid, *.nmr, *.2d
Agilent (Varian)data, *.fdf, fid0001.fdf, *.txt, fid, phasefile, data* (VNMR, VnmrJ, SpinSight)acq, proc, procparacq_2, text
ASCIIa*.txt; *.prn, *.csv, *.asc
Bruker*.ser, *.rr, *.fid, *.1r, *.1i,
*.2rr, *.* (DISNMR, UXNMR, XWINNMR, WinNMR, TopSpin)
acqus, procs, acqu2, proc2s, *.fqs, *.fa1, *.fa2, *.fp1, *.fp2title, intrng, *.tit, *.ti2
Gaussian Output*.log, *.out
GE *.raw, *.* (Nicolet)
*.* (Omega)
JCAMP*.dx; *.jdx
JEOL Ltd.*.als, *.jdf, *.nmfid, *.nmf, *.bin, *.nmdata, *.nmd, *.gxd, *.* (Alpha, Generic, Delta, Lambda)*.gxp, *.hdrexp.param, exp.par
Magritek*.1d; *.2d
MSI Felix*.*
Oxford Instruments*.fid
Tecmag*.tnt, *.* (MacNMR)
Thermo Scientifica *.spc
picoSpin (*.jdx)

a File export is also supported (in the case of JCAMP, for 1D NMR only).

VendorData FormatExtensionComments
*.spectrus, *.esp
SCIEXAnalyst*.wiff, *.wiff.scanSingle mass spectra, LC-MS and most LC-MSn imported. Splitter available. UV data not currently imported.
LightSight—Spectra are supported via export to NetCDF.
Analyst QS*.wiffSingle mass spectra, LC-MS and most LC-MSn imported. Splitter available.
Analyst TF*.wiff
Agilent1100 Series LC/MSD Quad and Ion Trap Systems*.ms, *.yepDAD data and single wavelength chromatograms. Splitter available.
ChemStation*.msSplitter available.
LC TOF*.wiff
MassHunter (6000 series)*.binEntire *.D folder should be used. Agilent component requires Microsoft .NET version 2. DAD can be imported and MS/MS split controlled.
OpenLab Rev. C.01.07, C.01.08, C.01.09*.DUV, LC-UV and LC-MS
Entire *.D folder should be used
*.ms, *.ch, *.uv
Applied BiosystemsMariner Data Explorer ASCII LC/MS*.txtLC-MS data only.
Bruker and Agilent Agilent or Bruker LC/MS Ion Trap*.yepLC-MS and DAD data.
BrukerCompass (accurate mass data)*.dEntire *.D folder should be used. Bruker component requires Microsoft .NET version 3.5. Possible issue noted for MaXis Impact data.
HitachiLIT–TOF*.datImport no longer supported
M–8000 and D–7000*.msd; *.dadLC-MS and DAD data.
JEOL (Japan)JEOL-DX*.jsp, *.jpf, *.jmcSingle mass spectra and chromatogram curves.
JEOL K9*.speLC(GC)-MS data.
JEOL XMS*.datGC-MS data.
LECO CorporationChromaTOF-HRT™ for Citius™ (LC) and Pegasus® (GC) HRTs*.smpGC/MS or LC/MS data; LC/MS with in-source CID provides separate precursor and fragment ion (isCID) channels; LECO GC-TOF MS data is supported.
Matlab/Eigenvector ResearchDSO format a*.matSingle mass spectra and LC(GC)-MS data.
National Institute of Standards and TechnologyNIST MS Software*.mspUses Lib2NIST to convert .msp to supported format (.hpj or .sdf).
NIST SDF Library*.sdfSplitter available.
TOFData Centroid*.tofline
SCIEXPE SCIEX API to Piff*.~pi, *.~piff
Shimadzu CorporationLCMS-IT-TOF*.lcdLC-MS and LC-MSn data only. Requires vendor software on same computer.
GCMSsolution*.qgdGC-MS data
LCMSsolution*.qldDAD data and single wavelength chromatograms. May require vendor software on same computer.
LabSolutions*.lcd, *.qgdioModule supports QTOF data and TIC or SIM traces.
Thermo ScientificXcalibur*.rawData splitting by Scan Filter parameters is available.
Galactic*.spcExport is available for single MS only.
UnidatanetCDF*.cdf, *.ncSplitter available.
Varian1200*.datSplitter available.
XMS*.xms, *.smsSplitter available.
Saturn 2000*.smsSplitter available.
Waters CorporationMassLynx*.rawAll files in the folder containing the _functns.inf file are necessary for data import. Splitter available.
Micromass OpenLynx*.rptSplitter available
Millennium32 (2D and 3D PDA data)Import is no longer supported
Empower 2 and 3
(2D and 3D PDA data)
via Connect to1 or with help of ACD/Empower Add-on
Empower 2 and 3 (3D MS data)LC-MS data. via Connect to1 or with help of ACD/Empower Add-on
UNIFIvia Connect to1
Open SourceASCII a*.txtSingle MS only.
JCAMP a*.dx, *.jdxSplitter available.
netCDF a*.cdf, *.ncSingle MS and LC(GC)-MS data.

Powell Converter For Mac Download

a File export is also supported
1 Connect to utility requires vendor software on same computer. It doesn’t work in Citrix.

VendorData FormatExtensionComments
Matrix a*.txt
Open SourceASCII a*.txt; *.prn; *.csv; *.asc
Agilent1100 Series LC/MSD Quad and Ion Trap Systems*.ms, *.yepUV, LC-UV and LC-MS
Rev. B.02.01, B.03.01, B.04.01, B.04.02, B.04.03, C.01.04
*.DUV, LC-UV and LC-MS
Entire *.D folder should be used
*.ms, *.ch, *.uv
Open Lab C v.1.04*.DUV, LC-UV and LC-MS
Entire *.D folder should be used
*.ms, *.ch, *.uv
Open Lab Rev. C.01.07, C.01.08, C.01.09*.DUV, LC-UV and LC-MS
Entire *.D folder should be used
*.ms, *.ch, *.uv
EZChrom*.datUV traces only. Requires vendor software on same computer.
AB SCIEXAnalyst*.wiffLC-UV and LC-MS
Bruker and Agilent Agilent or Bruker LC/MS Ion Trap*.yepLC-UV and LC-MS
Bruker Compass
(accurate mass data)
Entire *.D folder should be used.
PerkinElmer TotalChrom™*.rawImport was supported via Connect to2 until ACD/Labs products v. 2018
Pic Solution *.dat.csvLC traces
Shimadzu CorporationLCMS-IT-TOF*.lcdLC-MS and LC-UV1
Requires vendor software on same computer.
LCMSsolution*.qldLC-MS, LC-UV and UV traces
May require vendor software on same computer
Thermo ScientificAtlasPDA and DAD traces via Connect to2, or using an ACD/Atlas Add-on
Xcalibur*.rawLC-MS, LC-UV and UV traces
Chromeleon 6; 7UV and LC-UV, via Connect to2, or using an ACD/Chromeleon Add-on
Generalized Analytical Markup Language Hierarchy (GAML)*.gamlLC-UV and LC-MS data
UnidatanetCDF*.cdf, *.ncLC-MS, LC-UV and UV traces
Waters CorporationMassLynx*.rawLC-UV and LC-MS
Micromass OpenLynx*.rptLC-UV and LC-MS
Empower LCUV data *.arwLC-UV
Empower 2 and 3UV, LC-UV and LC-MS traces, via Connect to2 or using an ACD/Empower Add-on
UNIFIvia Connect to2

a File export is also supported.
1 To import *.lcd files from version 5.42SP2, vendor software should be installed on the same computer.
2 Connect to utility requires vendor software on same computer. It doesn’t work in Citrix.

VendorData FormatExtensionComments
*.spectrus, *.esp
AgilentHP 84552A*.wav
ChemStation a*.uv
Agilent (Varian)Cary UV*.b*; *.d*
ASCII single, dual and multicolumn*.txt; *.prn; *.csv; *.asc
DionexChromeleon avia Connect to1 or using an ACD/Chromeleon Add-on
Foss NIRSystems*.da
JASCO CorporationJ-700*.jws
JCAMP, JCAMP multispectra*.dx; *.jdx
LabControl*.uvd; *.irs
Ocean Optics*.*
PerkinElmer Instruments*.sp
Shimadzu CorporationIR*.irs
Thermo ScientificGalactic*.spc
Nicolet OMNIC*.spa; *.spg
Waters CorporationEmpower 2 and 3via Connect to1 or using an ACD/Empower Add-on

a Diode Array Detector (DAD) support for hyphenated data.
1 Connect to utility requires vendor software on same computer. It doesn’t work in Citrix.

VendorData Format
ACD/Labs*.spectrus, *.esp
ASCII single, dual and multi column*.txt; *.prn; *.csv; *.asc
Bruker DIFFRAC-AT*.raw
Bruker DIFFRAC-PLUS*.raw
JCAMP multispectra
PANalytical XRDML a
PowDLL b*.*
Sirius Analytical Instruments
TA Instruments*.*

a Older Philips X-Ray instrument data RD and UDF formats may be converted to the PANalytical XRDML formats with conversion software provided by PANalytical.
b NET converter for XRPD files.

VendorData Format
Adobe Acrobat (output only)*.pdf
Symyx*.mol, *.sdf, *.rxn
ChemDraw*.chm, *.cdx
ISIS Sketch*.skc
Chemical Markup Language (output only)*.cml
GIF image format*.gif
PNG image format*.png
JPG image format (input only)*.jpg
Windows Bitmap*.bmp, *.dib
Paintbrush (output only)*.pcx
TIFF Bitmap (output only)*.tif
HTML (output only)*.html
Windows Metafile*.wmf
ChemSketch 1.0 (input only)*.mst, *.rtp
  1. Some file formats require the installation of ChemBasic Goodies, a separate download and installation for freeware users
  2. You can still input structures from unsupported formats by opening the file with another program and pasting it into ACD/ChemSketch as an OLE object
VendorData Format
ASCIIa*.txt; *.prn, *.csv, *.asc
JCAMPa*.dx; *.jdx
Pistoia Alliance*.helm; *.xhelm
Unit converter for mac

a File export is also supported (in the case of JCAMP, for 1D NMR only)

Powell converter for mac os

At ACD/Labs we strive to support future analytical data format standardization efforts, such as AnIML.

Powdll Converter For Mac Download

ACD/Labs is a member of the Allotrope Partner Network participating in the creation of the Allotrope Framework. Support of the emerging Allotrope analytical data standard is a strategic development goal for ACD/Labs. Learn more here.